Please select the best way for us to contact you: Please list any additional sources of income you have (e.g. second income, retirement, social security, etc.) and the amounts:
How has your storytelling income been affected by the current emergency, and for how long have you been affected, or estimate that you will be affected?
Have you experienced any other physical losses related to your storytelling (e.g. loss of power, loss of equipment, housing insecurity)? If so, please detail:
What other relief funds have you applied for? (Please note the status of each as accepted, pending, or denied.)
Please list website, social media handles or other places we can go to assess your business as a storyteller:
What professional organizations are you affiliated with? NSN, ASST, ISC, Regional or State Organization, Local Festival/Group, and any others:
In addition to a potential SRF grant, what other ways might ASST be of assistance to you (e.g. cross-promotion, networking, workshops, etc.)?
If your application is approved, how would you like to receive payment? *
How did you hear about the Storyteller Relief Fund (mark all that apply): *
The following questions are optional and help up work on creating an organization that is Inclusive, Diverse, Equitable, and Accessible
What is your race/ethnicity (mark all that apply):
Submit Application
Thank you so much for submitting your application. We will review it promptly and contact you soon.